River to Sea Gallery — getty
Homeschool art & hunting class - day #10 - Francis Wheatley, "Portrait of a Sportsman with His Son" 1779
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art & hunting class - day #10 #FrancisWheatley #portraitofasportsmanwithhisson #anddaughter #rabbitonesie #1779 #london #covid19 #gettymuseumchallenge #getty #rabbits #easter #finnsatree #chocolatelabsofinstagram #hesholdingtoiletpaper
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- Tags: 1779, and daughter, chocolate labs of instagram, covid 19, easter, finn's a tree, francis wheatley, getty, getty museum challenge, he's holding toilet paper, london, portrait of a sportsman with his son, rabbit onesie, rabbits
Homeschool Art & Farming Class - Day #7 - Van Gogh "Peasant Plowing" 1883
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art & farming class - day #7 #vangogh #peasantplowing #1883 #toilersoftheearth #hazelcow #villageofnuenen #vincent #getty #covid19 #quarantine #homeschool #cardboardshoes #justlikekevinmalone
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- Tags: 1883, carboard shoes, covid19, getty, hazel cow, homeschool, just like kevin malone, peasant plowing, quarantine, toilers of the earth, van gogh, village of nuenen, vincent
Homeschool Art Class - Day #6 - Grant Wood "The Appraisal"
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool day art class #6 complete. We had a request for #Americangothic but so many people doing this #fineartchallenge have done that piece. We thought it might be more fun to highlight one of #grantwood ‘s other pieces. This one is called #theappraisal and we think it’s pretty fantastic. #getty #covid19 #americangothic #chicksrule
Homeschool Art & Music Class - Day #5 - Norman Rockwell "The Music Man"
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art & music class - day #5. #themusicman #normanrockwell #getty #fineartchallenge #covid19 #thegreatpause
Homeschool Art Class - Day #4 - The Living Room, Balthus, 1942
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art class day#4. #balthus #thelivingroom #getty #fineartchallenge #moma #covid19 #quarantine
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- Tags: balthus, covid19, fineartchallenge, getty, moma, quarantine, thelivingroom